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Re: I think I'm going to defect...

At 07:10 AM 4/3/98 -0800, you wrote:

>Yeah, I know--the 600 series should be coming out soon that will
>incorporate the same kind of features (at least the ability to insert a CD
>drive--I don't know about the larger screen & etc.)

The TP600 looks pretty interesting from this review:


Kind of pricy, though.

Re the touchpad vs. the stick, pointing devices are kind of a personal
preference thing.  I personally can't use a touchpad - just can't get the
hang of it.  I'm all over the screen with one.

I like the pointing sticks - don't have to take my hands off the keyboard
to use them, and I don't get unintended activity by merely brushing up
against them like I do with the touchpad.
