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"Sir Gwynz query"

Hi, thinking that I might eventually have a similar problem with my
ThinkPad, I sent a friend a copy of Sir Gwynz' note. This is the reply I
received. If it does not help with his problem, just delete. 

 AT LEAST 3 problems here...(1) He did not rewrite the "boot sector"
on his disk..all he did was reformat FOR the sectors, and (2) He probably
did not go into his CMOS and turn on "32 bit access", and (3) He did not
rewrite AND convert the sectors to 4K sectors.  Important to know how the
OEM 4.00.950b disk works.  All
of the items I listed are required to "reformat" AND convert to FAT32.  He
should have waited until he could get his hands on the actual  Advance copy
of Windows 98 with the actual FAT32 
converstion utility...it does all of these things automatically.