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755CE: updating from warp3 4w to w connect

I have a thinkpad 755CE (16 meg; 540 meg) that I'm about to work over.  It
currently has a boot mgr setup, with warp 3 FOR windows on HPFS or dos as
C; FAT D with all the win 3.1 stuff, and HPFS e.

I intend to blow away the dos partition, and the win 3.1 on D along with a
lot of the win applications. I will then format C:, maybe leave a maint
partition [I've never done one of them before] and install Warp Connect
from CDROM. I have partition magic and a backpack PP CDROM, so this should
not be a big hassle.  But there are aspects of my desktop that I would
like to preserve without having to reinstall a bunch of stuff - is there a
way to do this?  [I have Unimaint, but its portable desktop backup/restore
didn't work for me between W3 connect and W4].  Does OD Pro have something
useful here?

I am also arming myself with all sorts of updated MWave and other drivers
from the pc.ibm.com web site, and following the words of wisdom on the
warped thinkpad page (now at www.tpwarper.com although the old url -
www.warpedthinkpad.simplenet.com - resolves to the same IP address).

Any additional words of wisdom from the list?
 Julian & Mary Jane Thomas
 jt@epix.net  http://www.epix.net/~jt
 In the beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country of New York State!
 Aha!  A coffeemaker that fits in a 5.25-inch slot!