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Re: advice about TFT monitors

On Wed, 25 Mar 98 00:08:50 +0200, Dominique Pivard wrote:

>I'm considering replacing my ageing 17" CRT monitor with a 15" TFT. This
>list may not be the most appropriate forum to ask for advice, but I know
>many of you are using TFT monitors (the ones built in your ThinkPads).
Or other machines (my SPARC-based portable has a TFT LCD).

>I'm planning to use 1024 x 768 as the resolution, based on the (hopefully
>correct) assumption that a 15" TFT monitor really has a 15" displayable
>area (as opposed to 17" CRT typically having 15.5"-16") and also is
>brighter and higher quality.
That is correct.  A 15 or 16" LCD is equivalent to a 17" CRT, because the actual
viewing area only comes to about 15.7"-16".   Plus, you have the small form factor,
but more usage of device real estate.

>Which of the following characteristics should attract my attention: dot
>pitch, brightness, contrast ratio, refresh rate.
>Any opinions about the following monitors:
>Compaq TFT500 (or TFT450)
>IBM 9514 LCD
>Mitsubishi LCD50
>Samsung SyncMaster 500 TFT
>ViewSonic VPA150 (or VPA145)

I have only heard of the Samsung, ViewSonic, and the IBM, but don't remember
the prices.  I also know that Sceptre makes one as well.

One thing to make sure about is that the connector doesn't require a proprietary
ISA or PCI card (I have an LCD that needs this, but it's not your everyday desktop

As for contrast ratio, I believe that TFT is normally 100:1.  Dot pitch
is probably about .24-.31.

This is about as much as I can think of at the time...

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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