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Re: 701c mushy left mouse button

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 22:31:25 -0800 (PST), Bryan Daum wrote:

>A real hard call on the service gamble...mine is also mushy but still
>functioning normally and, dreading service, I have put off the service until
>it is really a problem...I thought I was also having pc card socket problems
>but when that proved not so I deferred the service.
>Do we get used keyboards if the board needs replacement?

I wouldn't be suprised.  I just got my new Multiport II today, and the power in
looks a little worn, so I think IBM just "refurbishes" the parts.

  Are new keyboard
>purchases possible with this nice keyboard?  I am well aware that Paul hates
>it -and there may be others, but I like the feel of it and would consider
>the purchase of a new one if it came to that and it was a service upgrade of
>some kind.
Well, you got my attention now.  I guess that I would so the same as well, considering
that I need the computer to be at least functional until I get a better notebook. :)

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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