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Re: 701c mushy left mouse button

When my left mouse button started doing that, I gently pried it off to
see what was under it.  To my surprise, I found a piece of scotch tape.
So I cut another piece of scotch tape to match the worn out one and
applied it.  It wasn't a complete fix but the response is a little
better.  Your milage may vary.
-Greg A.
p.s.  perhaps more than one pice of tape may improve the feel some more,
it isn't hard to remove if it ends up making it worse or something.

Stan Blank, Ph.D. wrote:
> I'm sure this has been discussed before:  My 701c has a mushy left mouse
> button (lost its click -- which often happens during the aging
> process.....), anyway, the button appears to function properly.  Question:
> In the experiences of this group, is this worth an Easyserv (it's under
> warranty until Oct. '98)?  If the button is going to continue working (I can
> live without the click), then do I want to risk sending the unit back for
> repair --- and possibly get a "more used" keyboard than I already have?
> Thanks for any experiences/thoughts/etc.
> ----------------------------------------
> Stan Blank, Ph.D.
> Wayne City High School
> Wayne City, IL  62895
> ----------------------------------------