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Re: OS/2 Warp 3.0

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 05:21:25 -0500 (EST), Stephen Amadei wrote:


>Basically Warp hasn't changed radically since 2.1.  Warp 3.0 was named
>2.3 internally, and Warp 4.0 is more like 2.4.  

Oh, that's only about compatibility. You know that OS/2 says it is
DOS 20.x? Thats the same with the 2.x ther're some apps which would
refuse running if OS-Ver is greater than 2 caus they thinkt that
couldn't be. So IBM decided to label OS/2 with Version 2.x, 3.x, 4.x,
5.x, 6.x but let it say internaly it is 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5,
2.6... That has nothing to do with "no changes in kernel". The
Warp-Kernel especially is in some places rewritten AFAIK. It's no
2.x-Kernel fixed up. Also the Warp 4-Kernel. 

>Don't get me wrong, the 
>add-ons since 2.1 are fantastic, but the core OS hasn't changed much...

Wouldn't say it that way. I'd say: it is realy compatible to the old

>Most of the drivers I see are for Warp 3.0 and Warp 4.0... but then again,
>alot of the drivers I use are meant for 2.1, but run fine in 4.0.

That is IBM: Protect your investment. Why should a driver written for
2.x not work with 4.x? What reason could I have to change the system
at it's basics...