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Re: OS/2 Warp 3.0

In <350f73fc.2278133@mail.enteract.com>, on 03/18/98 
   at 07:21 AM, epbrown@enteract.com (epbrown) said:

>On Tue, 17 Mar 98 22:15:16 , you wrote:

>>Hmmm, not too sure, but I don't see why 3.0 won't work with the 560.
>	It's not so much the OS I'm worried about, as the drivers and
>upgrades on IBM's ftp site. While there are versions for OS/2, I'm
>curious as to whether they were written for v 3 or 4, or if they're

<grin> In one case here a driver from the Driver CD that came with
v4.0 wouldn't install until I duplicated the line in the .CMD file
that checked for v3.0 and ammended it to recognize v4.0. It then
installed and ran flawlessly. At the driver level the OS is supposed
to be very consistent.

As a happy Warp 3.0 user, I wish you success. :)

For Warp/Thinkpad info try:

The Unofficial Warped Thinkpad Page

On the topic of Shareware you may want to look at

OS/2 Musthave progams with screenshots and reviews available

For v3.0 users with little to moderate OS/2 experience
I personally recommend the freeware:

 CFGINFO4.ZIP   562690   6-12-95

It provides a great interface for tweaking your config.sys with
line-by-line analysis background information. 

For v4.0 users, a lot of the basics will still be true.
The program predates v4.0 so some care would be wise.

Again, Good Luck!

Ron  [8-)


rdebeck@islandnet.com    Ron De Beck   Victoria, B.C., Canada