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Re: RAM On 701 CS

I sit here typing this response on my trusty 701 with an IBM 32MB RAM
module nestled inb its  memory expansion slot (for a total of 40MB), and
itruns just loverly :} If you're really interested I pull the module and 
get the part number - BTW I got it from PC Connection about a year ago.

On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, Paul Khoury wrote:

> On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 07:41:11 -0500 (EST), Christian Carey wrote:
> >On Sunday, 15th March 1998, Manuel VILLARET wrote:
> >
> >> Thinkpad 701 CS / IBM REF SU 2630 / 16 Mo
> >> 
> >> How many additional RAM can go on that specific model?
> >
> >The 701 (either C or CS) holds only one RAM module. Additionally, either 4
> >or 8 Mo of RAM is on the system board, depending on the particular 701
> >model that one has. Since you have 16 Mo, I'd guess that you have 8 Mo on
> >the board and an 8 Mo RAM module. Third-party memory dealers offer modules
> >for the 701 of up to 32 Mo, so presuming that you have 8 Mo on the board,
> >you could have up to 40 Mo of RAM. I believe that IBM only offers modules
> >of up to 16 Mo, so with IBM RAM one could have only 24 Mo. 
> >
> Actually, I think that IBM *might* have a 32MB SO-DIMM, but you
> can go to 40MB.
> -- 
> Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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