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Re: [TP701C] Maximum supported harddisk capacity ?

On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 23:04:12 +0000, Tan Soo Guan wrote:

>  I'm new to this mailing list and I guess I should introduce myself.
>My name is Soo Guan and I'm from Singapore. I've recently bought a
>two-and-a-half-year-old second-hand ThinkPad 701C for S$600 with the
>following configuration:
>  It's a DX2-50 with 20MB RAM, 360MB HD, port replicator II and no
>modem. I'm currently running Win 95 on it with Microsoft Office 95
>installed with only about 100MB space left.
>  I have a few questions for the group with regards to this machine :
>	- What is the maximum supported harddisk capicity for this
>          machine without using any special software drivers ?
>          (I was told by the service techincian from IBM that it's 810MB 
>	  but according to Craig's IBM Butterfly Page at          
>http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/leres/butterfly/ the maximum          
>supported is 4GB.)
Just as long as the HD is a 2.5" 12.5 mm drive. 17mm drives will NOT fit.

>        - Anyone had any experience installing IBM DTNA 22160
>2160MB           HDD into a TP701C ? (I saw a shop in Singapore selling
>it for
>          about US$250/=) 

I'm not sure, but again, check it's height.

>	- My NiCad battery pack only lasts about 20 minutes after a full
>          charge and I think it has reached it useful lifespan. Anyone
>          knows whether IBM's 3 year international warranty includes the
>          battery ?
No, the battery is only 1 year. Sorry.

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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