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Re: Thinkpad 600?

It sounds like a pretty nifty box alright, 

See:   http://news.com/News/Item/0,4,19190,00.html

and:  http://www.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayStory.pl?980217.ehthinkpad.htm

but what I want to know is how do they get the heat out without hurting
battery performance!

At 12:05 PM 3/11/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Where was that Thinkpad 600 article? Anyone heard anything more about
>it? I think it's time for another new machine...
>Steve Hultquist, Chief Technology Officer                       HSAnet
>providing high-speed Internet access                 Boulder, Colorado
>mailto:ssh@HSAnet.net     +1.303.581.0800       http://www.HSAnet.net/
Daniel D. Helfrich, Landsat 7 Mechanical Systems Engineer, Landsat Project
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 543, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA  20771
phone: (301)286-8481  fax: (301)286-1744  email: helfrich@gsfc.nasa.gov