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Re: ThinkPad 770 Screen Problems

<<I'm surprised that IBM can't even make drivers to support their own operating sy

What video chipset is on the 770 anyways?
And what PCMCIA chipset does it have?

Have you tried the IBM's OS/2 device driver website?

If you are surprised, it probably means that you don't know how the driver
business works. In the WIndows/95 world, Microsoft absolutely does NOT
go building drivers for all the different video cards. They rely on
manufacturers to do this.

This is one of the dynamics that Micrsoft uses to dominate the field. These
days, many video board manufacturers simply provide a Win95/NT driver, and
don't release any technical details, making it completely impossible for
other operating systems to support the hardware. This is getting to be a
worse and worse problem.

For OS/2, it is indeed the csae that since manufacturers consider the
OS pretty much dead for client use (the big source of revenue for video
cards -- servers don't need fancy video), they don't bother to make
drivers, or don't bother to carefully update them, and it is a big

Yes, of course we have looked for the latest driver, there is no update