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Re: ThinkPad 770 Screen Problems

On Fri, 6 Mar 98 13:24:10 EST, Robert Dewar wrote:

><<I have been having plenty of video problems under OS/2 on my 770, and I
>have no PCMCIA support installed, since I'm using only the internal MWave
>modem right now.  Not only does the screen go blank from time to time, but I
>have also had screen flashing & a 1 inch line of garbage appear at the bottom
>of the screen when opening and closing windows. Also, I have found at least
>one application that does not work correctly under WIN-OS2 on this
>machine, WordPerfect 7 for Win 3.1.  WPWin7 works fine under Warp 4 on
>the 380, and also under WFWG on the 770, so it is not an application
>Just to confirm that I also see the garbage at the bottom of the screen, 
>and I have also seen the screen flashing.
>Nice to know that these are common problems, even nicer if they could be
>fixed. Has anyone called IBM support on this yet?
I'm surprised that IBM can't even make drivers to support their own operating systems.

What video chipset is on the 770 anyways?
And what PCMCIA chipset does it have?

Have you tried the IBM's OS/2 device driver website?

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
(the above url only works when the server is running)
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