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Re: 810 meg for 360c?

Yes  .but ;-}
The pinout of newer IBM drives and Toshibas is slightly 
different for the master/slave default.
If you use an old plastic carrier you have to lift a pin ( or short 2 pins)
One of these days I'll look it up (grin)
Check IBM's web page for the 340 Mb pinout vs the
810's  ...it should be obvious.
As to height and anything else... no problem.
BTW I have a few of those "plastic Carriers" left.
$35 plus $2 for transpo.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Hagar <c311353@showme.missouri.edu>
To: ThinkPad List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
Date: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 5:22 PM
Subject: 810 meg for 360c?

>will a standard 2.5" drive (810) fit in the plastic carrier?
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>    ****          John Hagar           ****
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>     **    <c311353@showme.missouri.edu>  **
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