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Re: Changing my address

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998 11:00:18 +0000, mmurphree@pop.mindspring.com wrote:

>Comment: to {un}subscribe, send mail to thinkpad-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu
>X-UIDL: 718ce2d421b987bea4898b24c0bfed60
>Status: U
>I've changed my Email address from michaelm@piedmont.net to 
>mmurphree@mindspring.com.  Can you please send to my new address? 
Note the headers about (un)subscribing.  You should UNsubscribe
the old address first, then SUBscribe the new address.

Maybe we could add this to the FAQ when people first subscribe,
and have a command such as "request newuserinfo" for those who
lose this information.

Keith, are you listening (the list admin)?

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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