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Re: HD Upgrade for 755CD

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998 08:40:00 -0500, Dipiano, Tony wrote:

>I'm going to check out a used 755CD tonight. I saw a notice that someone
>has a 32 M module for sale. Now I need to upgrade the HD from 1 to at
>lease 2 G.
>Any info on where I can purchase such an animal?
Just try buying a 2.5" 2GB HD and swap it with the 1GB into the caddy.

The 755 uses standard 2.5" IDE drives.  In fact, I have one running the server here
(though 340MB is too small, but I don't use it yet).

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
(the above url only works when the server is running)
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