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Re: Thinkpad 360C Hot Rodding

A question.  I've heard that if one changes the drive in a caddy one must
use something like Ontrack to get the system to see it?

Is this true?  

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, peter machule  TRIUMF TISOL GROUP wrote:

> I have a bunch of these caddies.
> All used but OK.
> Will fit any 750 ,755, 360 machine.
> NOTE: don't fit  in a 760  (well you can make them fit but....requires a lot
> of plastic trimming.)
> Caddy by itself $35 US   3rd party caddies are over $50 and ugly ;-}
> 170 Mb Disk by itself  $35 US
> Disk and Caddy $59
> Shipping is extra but shouldn't be much over $4
> Warrany ?   Against DOA ....
> ..peter..
> 604-222-7384  work and voice mail
> vancouver CANADA

Patrick West <pccare@teleport.com>,using Pine 3.96
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