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Re: 760XD/XL parts

>Hi Paul,
>Most of the transactions on lower priced items on these auctions are
>conducted through the use of money orders or checks. 
 Also some sellers
>will send the items C.O.D. especially if it is something big. 

Ahh, so that's how it works.  I don't know how long I won't have a credit card,
but I don't really think I want one anyways. :)

 You wouldn't happen to know where I might look to find someone
>selling the old OS/2 Lotus Smartsuite would you? 

Actually, there is the Smartsuite beta out now which is a 30 something MB DL
that you can get.  I haven't got it because A. lack of space, B. 9600bps is TOO
SLOW (and don't even think about the ThinkPad @ 14.4 either!).

Now, if I could only find
>someone at IBM who will sell me another caddy for my 701! The people in the
>Direct parts department are useless. I was totally unable to convince them
>there was such a thing as a HDD caddy or the little plastic doo-hicky on
>the end of the battery!!!

That sounds like IBM.  They can't even ship out the plastic decal that says "IBM
ThinkPad" in colored letters (on the outside and sometimes the inside), or the
mouse buttons.  You might be better off getting it from a third party dealer.

 Oh, by the way, I've found a local bookstore who
>is selling out a massive amount a "old" computer books prices at $6 to $10.
>And there are a ton of OS/2 books by Sybex and Que. Let me know if you are
Definately, depending on what is there.  Particulary TCP/IP networking, getting
OS/2 credentials, programming, etc.

Privately email about it.

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
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