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Re: [TP560] Can't start in 'safe' mode (W95)

Hi David,
I certainly don't claim to be a guru, but have you tried checking your
boot log after an unsuccesful boot?  The last (or second to last) driver
loaded is usually the problem.

David Ross wrote:
> Recently I've tried to start my TP560 in the Windows95 'safe' mode (to
> check
> for a tape driver conflict); it gives me the 'safe mode' screen, then
> hangs.
> No problems booting in regular mode.  Anyone else have this problem?
> Any
> suggestions from W95 gurus?  (I've tried the obvious stuff, like
> selectively
> avoiding various drivers on a boot to DOS then running win /d:m.)
> - David (ross@math.hawaii.edu)