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New kid on the list....

but I've had the machine [TP 755] for almost 3 years.  16 meg, 540 meg.

I'm running Warp 3 on it, plan to install Warp 4.  There's Boot manager
and also a Dos/win31 partition that I never use, I plan to do some
Partition Magic on the machine when I update the OS.  I also have a 3com
etherlink 3 PC card that I've never used or installed, need to get the
rest of the home LAN working first.

Right now it's been running 24*7 on AC running RC5DES. 
 Julian & Mary Jane Thomas
 jt@epix.net  http://www.epix.net/~jt
 In the beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country of New York State!
 A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.