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Re: Adding a CD to a 365X

At 03:50 PM 2/12/98 -0500, Dan Cook wrote:
>I just found an internal CD-Rom drive (that is reported to fit
>the Thinkpad 365X, least that is what the saleman said) at a
>great price of $21.00.  I was so excited I ordered it before
>checking to see if it would indeed work.  I thought I remembered
>from when I ordered the machine some time ago that the CD was
>optional.  Does anyone know whether this Teac model CD-46E will
>work.  If so is it as simple as taking out the floppy drive and
>replacing it with the CD.  I really hope it will work, it was too
>good of a deal to pass.
>			Any help appreciated, 
>Dan Cook

Well, I just got one via UPS last night.  After looking at it for
some time, I determined that I could probably use it by taking
out the guts of the drive which sits on two rails and is
connected to the drive casing by means of a flexible ribbon
cable (my stinkpad is a 755CD).  Those 'guts' could then
be installed in the cd drive 'casing' that came with my 755CD.
I think it would be pretty difficult to find / modify parts
in order to install the Teac 46E into the thinkpad.  The
connector is just the standard 'IDE' drive connector NOT
the 'pad connector for the floppy/cdrom.

My CD recently stopped reading disks and I purchased
this (since the price certainly seemed right) without
consulting my warrenty.  I later found out it is still under
warrenty and I'm getting a new cdrom so it was a wasted
purchase for me.

If you are ordering from surplus direct like I did, be
forewarned that they DO NOT accept returns for system
incompatibilities ONLY defective merchandise.  This
drive, as it is delivered, certainly doesn't seem
compatible.  Live and learn.
