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Re: Notebooks

>> Solution: close the computer before picking up!  I think
>> picking up the 701 by its keyboard is a major source of
>> trouble.
>I don't want to close my computer just to move it 2 feet.  And
>no, I don't pick it up by the keyboard.  I already told you, I
>think it's flimsy and I baby it.  Maybe I just got used to
>grabbing my 750 by the side with one hand to move it.  I can't
>do that with my 701 without using two hands (unless I close it 
Same here.  It is ackward trying to move it that way.  Plus, getting to the audio jacks is 
tedious with the TrackWrite keyboard, too.

>The shifting keyboard problem was apparent on my first 701.  I
>returned it for service noting that as a problem (among other
>problems). They replaced the keyboard and the new one didn't
>have a shifting problem.  For about 2 weeks until the springs
>loosened enough to let it shift again.
>> >- It sticks out.  It's fine if you use it on a desk.  If you use
>> >it on a cluttered desk,
>> ...is where it shines.  You can fit the floppy *under* the
>> wings, so that the whole system will fit in a small space
>> (like a sliding desk drawer shelf or airplane tray table);
>> with the 560, I never know where to put the floppy drive when
>> I need it. 
>I haven't touched a floppy in 4 months (and that was the Linux
>boot/install diskette).  I do all my file transfers over a
>network now.  Heck, I don't even know where my 701 floppy drive
>is - buried in some box since I moved 8 months ago...

>So you see, some of us do have legitimate reasons not to like
>it.  Not that I'm getting rid of it anytime soon.  :-)

Same here.  If I had a job and could afford it, that's a different story.

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
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