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RE: (screen-) size... (was 770 price cut)

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:05:48 -0700, TROTTIER Tom wrote:

>In win95, & I believe other OSs, the font chosen for display purposes
>for a DOS box can easily be chosen, either on the properties sheet, or a
>button on the window So you can choose a teeny 5x7 pixels or huge 16x18
>So you often can make the characters larger, even if you're still
>restricted to 24x80 [lines by characters]. 
>Often DOS programs can detect larger logical screens, e.g. 50x80,
>60x132, or can be set to format their character displays that way (e.g.
>Newviews, Framework, Magellan)

That sounds about right, though I haven't had the occasion to change it for myself
(on 640*480). :)

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
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