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Re: Traveling overseas with TP560

>My family is traveling to Paris & London in a couple of months, and
>we're planning to take our two TP560's.  What considerations are there
>for power converters, recharging batteries, etc?

Your adapter will work fine on 240/50 current, but you'll need plug
converters because the UK and French wall sockets are shaped differently than
those in the US.  (Question for European listers: is there a common
plug/socket specification part of the European Union?)  You can buy fairly
universal kits for $10-$20 at drugstores, department stores, radio shacks,
etc here, or you can wait until you're there.

BTW, when I misplaced my converter last time I was in England I just used
recharged the machine in the bathroom; UK shaver outlets have US-spec

For your modem you'll need a different plug converter, and you'll need to
tell the modem not to try to recognize dial tones/rings/busy signals etc
(unless you have something like the IBM 'International' modem.)

> I know hotel phones are
>quite expensive; where else might we be able to use a phone line to send
>& download e-mail (Admiral's Club at the airports comes to mind, where

Cybercafes are reasonably common and cheap in cities in England and Scotland.

- David