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Re: tropical environments

On Mon, 9 Feb 98 14:38:35 HST, David Ross wrote:

>> Are these warnings about heat really true? How do you even get it out of
>> your house in a brief case if it can't be *stored* at temperatures higher
>> than 95 deg F ?
>Fortunately, Hawaii (unlike Arizona) never gets above 95 degrees outside, but
>my office *does* get up to 100 at times, and I've never had any trouble running
>machines in this environment.
>> DON' T:                                           
>> .......  
>>          * Leave the base of the ThinkPad computer resting directly on your
>>            body (e.g., legs or torso) during an extended period of operation.
>I agree with this, and strongly recommend the Levenger lap desk (weighs almost 
>and provides a useful work surface/thermal barrier).
>>          * Use or store your computer at temperatures below 5C (41F) or above
>>            35C (95F).
>IBM ran a television advert fairly heavily for a while, in which a TP was used for
>communication in a sweltering jungle. I wonder if their tech department and
>advertising department talk?
Knowing IBM, I seriously doubt it.   That's one of the problems with
IBM.  Interestingly, some of their advertisments are good, but overall,
they need a new advertising department.

Paul Khoury
(if you can't get to the website, then I'm not online)

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