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Re: introduction to the list and a question about 770/screen

><<One external accessory I'll need to use is a Zip 100 drive, parallel
>port model.>>>
>Note that you can get an internal Zip drive for many thinkpad models
Thanks for the info.  Now I have a couple of external ones but one is not
working OK.  I might get the machine with the internal one.  Do you have an
URL where one can find all the info?  I have just joined the list and have
not yet read the FAQ. 
>DO NOT buy a machine unless you have seen the screen yourself, you should
>not take anyone else's word for what is or is not acceptable or desirable. 
I agree completely, and not only about the screen but the weight, how the
main piece of software behaves and shows up, etc.  I'm hoping that
Stuart.Biggar has one of this, I just saw his postings.  Or perhaps
somebody else from Tucson is on the list? 
Thanks in advance.