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Re: 770 price cut

<<        Everyone has a different limit :-) For myself, I can't see carrying
anything larger than 12.1", and that's pushing it when you consider
how unwieldy it is on a plane. One advantage I hear from people with
Toshiba 300s and Sharp Widenotes is that the "landscape" style display
is easier to use in cramped sitting areas. I think when you get into
14.1" and 15" displays, we're regressing back to the day of the

That seems a bit odd to me, the weight and overall size of the 770 with
a 14" screen is no greater than the thinkpads I have always had in the 
past, and it is certainly no harder to use on a plane (indeed the far
superior battery setup -- 3 hours + so much easier to use two batteries
swapping one at a time -- makes it much better on a plane. I recentlyt
travelled from Melbourne to LAX with four batteries, and that was a 
MUCH easier trip (and much less to carry) than when I did it last time
and had to take 5 extra batteries along. Battery weight is a significant
factor for me (soon we hope planes will have power, at least in 1st
class, but that has not happened yet).