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RE: Installing PCMCIA Card on 701 under Win95

It should be very easy under W95.  W95 has built-in support for PCMCIA, so 
PC Card Director is not necessary.  At what point exactly did you run into 
problems, and what were they?

-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert Munzenrider [SMTP:rfm@psu.edu]
Sent:	Wednesday, January 28, 1998 11:02 AM
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Installing PCMCIA Card on 701 under Win95

HELP!   I've purchased a 28.8 modem on a PCMCIA card in a sale at Egghead
Software.  I want to install it in my 701, which I have upgraded to Win95.
I have come to discover that, back when my 701 first came loaded with
Win3.11, there used to be a program called PC Card Director in the
/Thinkpad subdirectory. Evidentally (and stupidly) I must have zapped this
subdirecotry when I did the Win95 upgrade.

I have several questions:
(1a) Do I need this PC Card Director under Win95?
(1b) If so, can someone direct me to an IBM site where I can get
	a copy of PC Card Director program?
(2a) Is there any source literature about installing PCMCIA
	cards in 701s under Win95?
(2b) if so, where can I obtain a copy?


Bob Munzenrider
Penn State Harrisburg