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Re: Thinkpads and NT

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998 20:50:32 -0500, rdietric wrote:

>To all you people out there that want to put NT on your TP's.  Why not
>give Warp a shot.  I had V.3 of Warp running on a TP700C and loved it. 
>Unfortunately Warp 4 won't fit on a 700 so I upgraded to a 760XD and
>it's running fine.  My only compliant is that I can't run all my WIN95
>programs under WINOS2. So I use dual boot.
I agree with that, but remember to have a lot of RAM.  On Warp 3, this isn't as
much a problem, and even on Warp 4, it seems to work way better with 16MB RAM,
than NT 4.0 did on my server.


Paul Khoury
Proudly using OS/2 Warp 3 & 4
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