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Re: TP770 with NT preload discontinued??

If you look at the files available on the IBM PC Web site,
there are new ones for the 770 and NT4.  Seems to me that
they are supporting it.

I don't have a 770 but do have a 765D on which I installed
NT 4 (SP-3).  It works fine.  I have had fewer problems
with NT than with the preload Win95 (can't suspend/resume
or hibernate for some reason with 95 but both work fine
with NT on the same physical HD (Win95 preload on C: and
NT on D:).  Win95 misrecognizes an IBM 100/10 EtherJet PCI
card in a SelectaDock2 and it refuses to work.  Card works
fine with NT (and Solaris x86 2.6 and Warp 4).

It isn't that hard to load and configure NT although you
do need to download a bunch of files to get all the IBM
NT drivers/utilities, etc.

My experience is that NT is more stable than 95 on my
765D but netiher is a stable as Solaris but there aren't
many applications available for Solaris.  My 765D is
maxed out at 104 MB RAM, 5GB disk, etc.


At 07:06 AM 1/19/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I am very curious about the answer to this too. I have had the 770NT on
>since October. The reason I haven't ordered the Win95 model is that I
figure if 
>IBM isn't loading NT on their machines, they must have  good reason, like
>performance or something like that. Anybody know?
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: TP770 with NT preload discontinued??
>Author:  "Arthur S. Liss" <artliss@marineart.com> at gateway
>Date:    1/16/98 4:33 PM
>I called PC Mall today to order 984831U, the 233 13.1 4GB NT preloaded 
>I was told the machine has been discontinued!
>If you want NT you have to buy it separately($279) and install it.
>Is it true?
>Most IBM competitors(I've looked at Micron and DEC) are offering NT 
>preloads. I am amazed to see IBM drop this model!
>Is this a step in reconfiguring the 770 product line?
>Should I wait a while before I buy?
>Arthur S. Liss 
>New York, NY
Stuart F. Biggar
Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona
PO Box 210094, Tucson AZ 85721-0094