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New member


quick intro:-

Pete Murray, residing in the UK,  working as a Project Manager.

I currently use a 560:-
P120 / 8+32 MB RAM / 12.1 TFT / 810 HDD (Double spaced by MS) / Win
95,Office 97,FoxPro 5 etc.
I have had this TP for 18 months, no problems, totally reliable.

Prior to the 560 I used a 701:-
486-75 / 16 MB RAM / 10.4 TFT / 540 HDD / Win 3.1.
I inherited this TP from the MD(It was on my desk when he was sacked!) I
loved this machine, fortunately it still around the office!

I have a few questions:-

I subscribe to the digest, when I receive it, all the emails are
embedded in attachments(I use MS Outlook 97) is this normal?
I have tried to access the archive for 97 but only Jan and Feb are
I am desperate to replace my 560, apart from the "Stingray" does anybody
know of a forthcoming model(570?) I really need a bigger HDD but I would
also like to go up to a 13.3 TFT @ 1024x768 so that rules out to 560x!


Pete Murray
Direct - 0044 (0)1604 884478
Mobile - 0044 (0)7050 257018