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Re: Thinkpad 770

<<FUD?!?!? FUD?!?!? That was unkind!  ;-)

Seems quite fair, FUD = Fear-Uncertainty-[and]-Doubt

typically referring to spreading rumours about products based on groundless
fears. Seems quite appropriate in this case, since you persist:

<<I know it's convenient. However, latches break, and I'm concerned about
that in this case. The President of HSAnet has one and I've messed with
it. It's certainly convenient, but I still remember those batteries
flying out the front of the early Thinkpad 700s...

So, my advice to others is: this *is* indeed FUD, and the design of the
Thinkpad in this respect is far superior to any other notebook I have
used (and I have used a lot of notebooks).

In particular it is far better than the ludicrous under-the-keyboard design
of earlier TP's, and it is also better than other laptops with slide in
components that are not well enough locked (all the Tecras I have used
suffer from slipping out batteries sometimes).