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RE: TP 760E Memory

NO this is not a bios problem !!
There is a known bug /flaw in the Dimm card holder.
A very stupid design by the way .....

From: 	Tim Tyhurst[SMTP:tim@dogmead.com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, January 14, 1998 3:59 PM
To: 	peterv@primenet.com
Cc: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	Re: TP 760E Memory

> I have a 760E with 32mb and  I want to add a 32mb chip.  I seem to remember reading a year or so ago that there was a problem
> with adding memory to the second slot in the 760 series.  Can anybody tell me of their experiences with this?
> TIA, peter

There's a mention of this problem being fixed in one of the recent BIOS
updates for the 760E, so if you're up to date, you're probably fine.
