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Re: [TPall] cheap pcmcia (was: 56K...)

On Wed, 14 Jan 98 21:54:17 HST, David Ross wrote:

>Shortly after I posted my suggestion re a 56K pcmcia modem, I stumbled
>across the website www.netlux.com.  They have a 56K pcmcia modem (vflex)
>for only $139, and a 33.5 modem/enet combo for only $149.  I don't know
>how good these are, but the prices are very attractive.  Someone here
>should buy something from them, then report back to the list on how
>everything worked:-)
Well, my only question is if these are those same cards that
only work in Windows 3.x and 95, and don't work
in command line DOS (even though Windows 95 is a DOS shell)
OS/2, or Linux.

Anyways, what did it say about driver support?


Paul Khoury
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