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RE: 56kbps PCMCIA modem recommendations?

I got my Xircom 56K PC card modem bundled with the TP560. It works fine at
home but when I'm at the office (an IDD phone line via PABX) I simply
could not connect with my ISP at all. I've not tried out any modem strings
but saw an faq on troubleshooting 56K, that there's actually a string to
disable 56K mode.

When my 560 resumes from suspend a dialog tells me that I removed the PC
card without stopping it first. But after a few seconds it gets redetected
by Win95, so it's okay, though annoying.

Other than that, things work fine. Anyone else care to share ?

From: 	Rune Floberghagen[SMTP:Rune.Floberghagen@lr.tudelft.nl]
Sent: 	Tuesday, January 13, 1998 6:01 PM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	56kbps PCMCIA modem recommendations?

Having purchased a ThinkPad 380 ED I am now looking for a high-quality
PCMCIA modem for use with a standard telephone line (cellular use not
required). My mind is set on 56 kbps modems which should be available at

around 200 USD.

Anyone with recommendations for what (not) to buy???

Many thanks,


         R  u  n  e    F  L  O  B  E  R  G  H  A  G  E  N
         Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (DEOS)