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Re: [TP:All] cheap external floppies

On Fri, 09 Jan 1998 00:16:59 -0600, Jim McGhee wrote:

>I looked and couldn't find them.  Can you post the url?

Jim and others - 
There is a place on the page to download the whole catalog or just
certain pages in .pdf format.
It is page 17 that has the floppy drive.  
Here is what I saw in OS/2 Acrobat:

 1.44-3.5" Out
 board drive for
 your laptop. DB-
 25 male plug-Re-
 quires DB-25 fe-
 male external floppy
 drive port-Not PCMCIA-Measures 5-3/4"L x4-1/
 4"W x3/4"T.........................................................

It looks just like my ThinkPad's drive, except for the Dell logo on the top, and
the cable they supply with it.


Paul Khoury
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