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Thinkpad 755 & Xfree386

I have been trying for the last several hours to get the right
settings to work for a Thinkpad 755CE and Xfree386.  Has anyone
got this working and would be willing to send me their config
file for this? (or just basically tell me what I might be doing
wrong - as I have got this working on other systems ...).  HW
specs are as follows:

	Thinkpad 755CE (486/DX4/100 w/40MB RAM)
	Video WD90c24 with 1MG of video ram.
	Under OS/2, Windows, etc. this box can
	only do 640x480x65M colors ....

	Currently I have selected the SVGA server,
	WD90c24 chipset, RAMDAC-Normal, and have
	let it probe the clock settings.  I have
	also just selected the VGA monitor at 31Hz.

Any/all help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

   Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
   Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
   v801-583-8544 mailto:aimsllc@ibm.net mailto:aims@gte.net
   "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
   wich, they would both be with us today!"