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[TP 560] How good is Suspend Mode?

	Just curious about this. I recently left the system in Suspend
overnight, and when I opened the lid found I still had 95% battery
life! I'm wondering if anyone has left the unit suspended for 48 hours
or longer, and what readout they got. Since then, I haven't bothered
powering down (about a week now) during the day - I just suspend until
I'm ready to work, then charge as I go if possible.
	Also, in other news, I'm planning to install Windows 3.11 on this
puppy, so any suggestions would be welcome. And I think Dave Ross said
the Thinkpad Features program is 16-bit, am I remembering correctly?
It'll work under 3.11?
	And I got a TDK 56k modem for Christmas, but I already misplaced
the dongle TWICE, so I returned that puppy and am now using the USR
XJ1560 to connect. Spookily fast folks, and comforting to know I won't
have to upgrade again, since this is as fast as the phone lines can go
	New Years Resolution, no hardware purchases during 1998 (I've *got*
to keep a laptop longer than a year, this is getting ridiculous). I'd
planned on getting the 560X 3Q 1998, but (as my editorial on my site
mentions) I'm going to try this weird Electronic Amish type deal and
see what happens. If things don't work out, well, the 560X is only
going to be cheaper by then, right?
	ps: check my .sig, I sold my Kiwi and am down to Thinkpads only...
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Laptops: IBM Thinkpad 560 and 510Cs