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Re: Upgraded 701C Benchmark Results

All these numbers are too technical for me.  My question is:  Is it worth
the money for the upgrade?

Geo, out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Randal Whittle <rwhittle@usa.net>
To: TP List <tp750@cs.utk.edu>
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 1997 1:22 PM
Subject: Upgraded 701C Benchmark Results

>I just sent an Excel file with all of the Winstone and Winbench Test
>results to Emanuel Brown, who I'm sure will get this set up on his web page
>for all to see.  That also includes my own benchmarking of my P120-based
>ThinkPad 560 as well as my desktop Pentium Pro 200 for your comparison.
>Please note that there are some Winstone scores that just won't show up.
>For some reason, there are certain tests that my 701 just *won't*
>complete--it hangs on the Netscape Navigator test and the PowerPoint 97
>test, in particular.  Unfortunately, this in turn messes up some of the
>overall test scores because it fails in these areas.
>Until Emanuel can set that up and you can get over to see those, I thought
>I could pass along the results of some of the "simpler" tests--that of
>Norton System Information (2.0--included in Norton Utils for Windows 2.0)
>and Wintune 95.
>The "Stock" 701C yielded a Norton SI score of 4.0.  The SI score after the
>upgrade was 6.7.  For comparison, a "typical" (I presume desktop) 386SX-16
>serves as the baseline at 1.0.  A 486-33 (I presume desktop) is a 5.9, and
>a Pentium 90 is 20.4.  That gives you some idea of what Nortn SI thinks of
>the upgrade.  Keep in mind this is a CPU-only benchmark.
>Please note that the following is *exactly* what the benchmark reports.  In
>particular, the AMD 486 thing.  Supposedly, this new CPU is an AMD
>"Enhanced"5x86, but no, that doesn't make it a Pentium.  The benchmark
>apparently isn't fooled either--they see it as a 486 at 100 MHz.  Basically
>it appears to be a clock-quadrupled (as opposed to tripled, as is the stock
>CPU in the 701) 25-MHz-based 486, plus the added advantage of AMD's
>floating-point math-coprocessor being extra fast (you can see that in the
>Whetstone score below).
>For Wintune 95, here's the details:
> Upgraded 701C Stock 701C
> -------------- ---------------
>CPU AMD 486 Intel 486DX4
>Clock 100 MHz 75 MHz
>Dhrystone 36 MIPS 25 MIPS
>Whetstone 16 MFLOPS 6.9 MFLOPS
>Video Speed 2.9 MP/s 2.1 MP/s
>C: Cached Speed 4.4 MB/s 4.7 MB/s
>C: Uncached " 1.1 MB/s 1.1 MB/s
>RAM Read Avg. 84 MB/s 70 MB/s
>RAM Write Avg. 28 MB/s 30 MB/s
>RAM Copy Avg. 15 MB/s 13 MB/s
>If you just *can't* wait for Mr. Brown to put up the Excel file with the
>Winstone and Winbench scores on his web page, upon request I can send you
>the Excel file.  Just let me know in private E-mail.  I am reluctant to
>just send the file to the list because not everyone wants to or cares to
>see it.
>Randal J. Whittle whittle@usc.edu (213) 740-7775
>Director, Electronic Commerce Program
>Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California