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Re: 770 and video input

I just played a little bit with the video capture on my 770 the other
night.  I was able to capture 160x120 at 30fps.  I'm not sure how many
bits of color it was using.  I wasn't able to increase the resolution
and maintain 30fps without getting dropping frames.  There are a few
different video format options and audio format options in the
Asymmetrix Digital Video Producer (DVP) capture program, although you
can't seem to compress while capturing.  Once captured and run through
the DVP editor, you can dump out in more formats (with compression),
although it seems you can only generate different flavors of .avi files
(i.e., you can' t seem to create MPEG).

You can play things back full-screen, and you can even watch the
incoming video live at full-screen in overlay mode, but I'm not sure
what the capturing limits really are at this point.

Let me again say that I am not fully experienced with the video
capabilities of the 770, so I might be selling it a bit short.

--Lee Hetherington