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RE: 755cd mwave win95 setup

My experience with Mwave has not been as bad.  I am currently running
NT 4 (SP-3) on a 765D using the current Mwave NT driver (along with
the NT power management stuff from IBM).  Mwave also seems to work
fine after suspend/resume and hibernate cycles under NT (that didn't
work under the preload Win95 that came on the 765D and that was
one of many reasons I went to NT on the 765D).

I have never had a connection drop if it was established and this
includes long distance calls when traveling such as from a hotel
in Japan to my office in Tucson Arizona.

Previously I used Mwave with a 755CX under OS/2 Warp (mostly current
FixPacks and most current Mwave for OS/2 drivers).  Always had good
luck there also.  I did have a few connection drops at first but that
turned out to be when water got into my home phone line during
construction of the house next door - hasn't happened since I convinced
a US West repairperson to look at and then fix my connection at the
box on the street (the repair people on the phone would NOT do anything).
Since then I have no drops.  I normally dial a PPP server at work
(10 miles and at least two US Worst switches away).  Server is a Sun
running Solaris with the bundled PPP.

I must say that I don't normally use sound except for when some error
triggers something.  Also each machine has maximum RAM (40 for the
755CX and 104 for the 765D).  One other thing to note about Mwave
as compared to two different PCMCIA modems:  I have never gotten an
overrun on the Mwave (that I know of) but get them transferring binary
files under Warp and Sun Solaris x86 (on either notebook) using PCMCIA.
In each case some protocol in the signal chain notes the problem
and the packet(s) are retransmitted and the files are OK.  It may
happen under NT but I don't know if (or how) I would find out if
there was a problem.  Under Solaris, overruns are noted in the "console"
window and under Warp the error shows up in the "Dial Other Internet
Provider" app window.

Just my $0.02.

Good luck,


At 06:27 PM 12/28/97 -0600, you wrote:
>  If your starting from scratch see if you can get a hold of Win95 OSR2.
I've had far less trouble with it compared to my Win3.11 upgrade to Win95
>  From the IBM website you'll need:
>1.  The MSCDEX CDROM driver to install Win95 from CD.  You probably
already have this.
>2.  Thinkpad features, 2 disks.
>3.  Mwave for Win95, 3 disks.  Mwave for DOS if you might boot there.
>  The MWAVE installation is less tedious with Win95.  Although two
irriating things haven't changed since you loaded it last.  You still need
to pull out the floppy drive to load the above IBM distributed stuff.  But
worse, Mwave 2.25 is still crap.  Its finicky on phone line quality
producing non-robust connection drops. The 33.6 speed (not 28.8) disables
Mwave sound.  The CPU drag when the Mwave modem is in use is very
noticable.  I think the Mwave modem was designed for use with a terminal or
fax program, not a PPP stack and internet apps.   I recommend a PCMCIA
modem.  I can only comment on Mwave performance in Win31 and 95.  You also
asked about OS/2.  Anyone know if Mwave modems have this behavior in OS/2?

Stuart F. Biggar
Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona
PO Box 210094, Tucson AZ 85721-0094