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Subba Rao (subb3@ibm.net) wrote:
> I have a 760EL and have linux running on it. Those of you with
> 760ELs, know that they have larger display areas. When I use
> linux, all the display area is not utilized. An inch on each
> side is left unused. ( Windows95 and OS/2 device drivers use
> all the display area ).
> How can I get to use all the display area of console? The linux

Hmmm... which display do you have? There are 800x600 DSTN (like mine),
800x600 TFT and 1024x768 TFT, if not more. 

> version is Redhat 2.0.29 and plan to switch to Slackware 2.0.33.

This is irrelevant. The version of your X server is relevant instead. Make
sure you use XFree86 3.3.1 (or maybe XSuse_Trident) with the Cyber9382/5
chips and the 9320 on external monitors, and 3.2 on the 9320 and the LCD.