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1.08 gig hard drive

Hello all,

	I just got a Options for IBM 1.08 hard drive. The problem i have is
that it would not boot to the C: drive. I get the error message telling
me to reseat the boot device. 

	First I flashed the BIOS with the provided disk and everything went
O.K. THen I installed DOS 6.22 and everything went fine. But on
restarting the machine (750c) It tells me to reseat the boot device. I
checked it several times and the best I can tell is that its in. I put
the old HD in and it works like a charm. I checked the BIOs settings and
they show the boot sequence as a: c: ( as it should be). I did RTFM that
came with the HD and it refers to the users manual for installing the HD
(which I don't have) I have a tech manual and it gave no new clues. 

	Anyone got suggestions???


Linn Skipper

P.S. If anyone wants a tech manual for the 340x, 355x, 360x, 370x, 700x,
701x, 720x, 750x, and 755x, i know a guy that has some more. Let me know
and Will put you in touch with him.