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Re: Trackpoint caps

The price of development, product quality, and materials aside, do you
think you could even break even on marketing, packaging,shipping, support
and labor. I think many folks who spent $$$$K on a laptop wont blink twice
to periodically spend $ for some consumable items that are of known
quality. I'd be leary of Cat's tounge bits flaking into my keyboard. Ya
might even get sued if it damaged the keyboard and/or voided the warrantee.

nnj@ornl.gov on 12/10/97 05:00:52 PM

To:   thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
cc:    (bcc: Rich Chong/SHARE Inc)
Subject:  Trackpoint caps

Anyone know of a good source or two for TrackPoint caps? My 700C has a
trackpoint II, but the peg inside looks like the III's. I'm suffering a
blow-out on mine, and before I'd pay IBM $7.20 for one, I would make a mold
and poor my own. (For that matter, is there a market?)
Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones - EN Tandem Facility Manager - jonesnl@ornl.gov
Bldg. 5500 MS 6377      Phone(423)574-3104  FAX(423)574-1118
P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6377   Pager(423)873-9052