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RE: ThinkPad 560 questions

I've seen several postings about the Panasonic 4X CD-ROM PCMCIA slot
problem but none about the newer 8X.  I have the 8X and it works
flawlessly in either slot.

Charles S. Swartz
Program Manager
Department of Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts
UCLA Extension

310-825-9634 Phone
310-206-7435 Fax

10995 Le Conte Ave., Room 437
Los Angeles, CA 90024

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Chris DiBona [SMTP:chrisd@loc201.tandem.com]
> Sent:	Monday, December 08, 1997 12:19 PM
> To:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu
> Subject:	RE: ThinkPad 560 questions
> The worst part about all this is that notebook manufacturers 
> (last time I checked) didn't standardize which card goes where. 
> Some slot 0 is on top, some on bottom. And some desktop 
> adapter have more than 2 which breaks a ton of pcmcia cards. 
> This is against standards of course.
> 	Chris DiBona
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Paul Khoury [SMTP:pkhoury@loop.com]
> Sent:	Friday, December 05, 1997 12:46 AM
> To:	hzkd0@eng.amdahl.com; Randal Whittle
> Cc:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu
> Subject:	Re: ThinkPad 560 questions
> >>3.1.  How about connecting an external modem (regular PC modem) to
> the
> >>      serial port?  Any problems with this setup?
> >
> >	Haven't done it, but the serial port supports 14550-type buffer
> chip, so I
> >don't foresee any problem in doing so.
> Actually, this doesn't sound like an existant chip.  I think Randy
> meant a 16550,
> which I believe was invented by National Semiconducter.
> PK