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Re: 560X / NeoMagic (was: Re: Linux on 560E)

	From: Harald Milz <hm@seneca.muc.de>
	Subject: Re: 560X / NeoMagic (was: Re: Linux on 560E)
	Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 11:07:00 +0100

> Dominique Pivard (domi@kenavo.fi) wrote:
> > On Fri, 07 Nov 1997 at 08:58 AM you, epbrown@enteract.com (epbrown), said:
> > 
> > >	From what I've heard around the net, the 560E shouldn't be a problem
> > >because it uses the Trident chip, but the new 560X line will have
> > >trouble, since IBM switches to the NeoMagic video chip that doesn't work
> > >with anything but Windows...
> > 
> > Well, the NeoMagic page (http://www.rahul.net/neomagic/Nmdriver.html) seem
> > to imply there's Linux support via a third party company (Xi Graphics).
> Not for the chips used in the notebooks, only for the PCI expansion cards
> used for desktop models. There's no support whatsoever for the notebook
> chips in either XFree86, MetroX or Accel-X, nor will there be any in
> XFree86 due to NDA considerations. 


Old thread, but I thought I might raise it again now that the 560X
is out.  Was the comment about the NeoMagic chip speculation
that they would change to it?  The 560X as released so far is still 
SVGA and the technical specs they publish still mention the Trident 
chips.  Any other experience?  Too bad they haven't taken it to 
1024x768 yet, but on the other hand the ability to run XFree86 is 
a even better bonus!
