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Re: [TP] PCMCIA cards working in only one slot

On Mon, 8 Dec 97 16:15:23 HST, David Ross wrote:

>Paul said:
>> Well, to make this more interesting. my uncle got a Sony CD-ROM from
>> my grandmother for Christmas, (and boy was he happy), but he can never
>> use it, because it always crashed his Toshiba notebook.  So there must
>> be a problem with the Panasonic and Sony OEM cards then.
>Could be a problem with the Toshiba; I know that the CMS drive that I
>couldn't make work on my 560 had a "doesn't work on the following Toshibas:..."
>warning in the FAQ.
>On this subject let me make another plug for the IBM portable CDROM
>drives (models 1969008,9,10,11).  You don't see these discussed much in
>magazine reviews, but they are tiny, light, and - important for this
>group - work well with Thinkpads.  Plus, they look cool:-)
How much, and do they work with OS/2 (standard question procedure)?
