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Re: [TP] Adaptec 1460A

On Friday, 5th December 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> > > > I am very happy with my Panasonic Portable PCMCIA 4x drive, but
> > > > read the documentation carefully!!  It turns out that the drive 
> > > > will not work if you put the PCMCIA card in the top slot instead 
> > > > of the bottom...
> > > 
> > > I've experienced the same thing with network cards on a 760E and a 
> > > 770. Works completely in 1 slot and partially in the other...
> >
> > I had the same trouble with an Adaptec 1460A (OEM version shipped with
> > the Sony 4X CD Discman) and a 760C. At the time, I attributed it to a
> > connector clearance problem -- the external dongle fit slightly better
> > with the card in the lower slot.  In my case, it worked reliably in the
> > lower slot, but only rarely in the upper one. 
> Well, to make this more interesting. my uncle got a Sony CD-ROM from
> my grandmother for Christmas, (and boy was he happy), but he can never
> use it, because it always crashed his Toshiba notebook.  So there must
> be a problem with the Panasonic and Sony OEM cards then.

I have the Sony 4X CD Discman (PRD-250, with the Adaptec 1460A) also, but 
I haven't been able to get it working with my 701C [which has the 3O BIOS]
under DOS/Windows 3.1 in either slot. (My housemate has a no-name laptop 
with Windows 95, and it works fine with his machine.) Has anyone been 
able to get that combination working?

Christian CAREY <ccarey@capaccess.org>