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Re: XF86-3.3.1 on TP365XD ?

Thanks, Harald.

> Mahn-Soo Choi (mschoi@postech.ac.kr) wrote:
> > Does anybody have XFree86-3.3.1 working on ThinkPad 365XD (TFP)?
> > 
> > Before I had XFree-3.2 perfectly working on my machine.
> > Now I have XFree-3.3.1 from Slackware 3.4, and cannot get it tuned.
> What exactly means "cannot get it tuned"? 
Well, I tried with XF86Setup, and could get X to work, but poorly at
640x480 or something.  Naturally, I was encouraged to believe that I
may be able to fine tune the X.

> Can you tell what graphics chip you have? If it's the Cyber9320, XFree86
> 3.3.1 is likely to be broken.
Yes, mine is Cyber9320 according to the H/W specification.
SuperProbe detects the chipset as tgui9320lcd, though.
Of couse, I tried with the line "Chipset tgui9320lcd" in
/etc/XF86Config.  Not works as you expected.

> If you were happy with the 3.2 X server, I'd keep using it. 
I do keep using XF86-3.2 .
I'm testing 3.3.1 on a small partition of my harddisk.  ^__^