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Re: TP560E and 1024x768

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:04:01 +0100 (MET), Ben wrote:

>I just got the TP560E and I'm trying to run it in either 1024x768 or in 
>1280x1024 with the Win95 that came with it.
>Can someone who has one of these beasts assure me that this is possible 
>in a non-interlaced mode?  And if you could be so kind as to tell me what 
>it  took, since I'm using a multi sync monitor that normally does support 
>1024x768 NI.
I don't really think it matters much on the video card as to whether or
not your CRT is interlaced or not, but rather the CRT itself.  The 560 should
support 1024*768 though, though I'm not sure of the colors.
